Friday, April 8, 2011

Under the Scorching Heat

Couldn’t open my eyes. Couldn’t get off the bed. Still I was able to text my boss: Ma’am, can I go half day? My body’s sore. As soon as I read ok, I was dead. Came back to life at around 9:30. In between, I woke twice. One in my dream where I thought I was already prepping for work. Next was the real one where I was surprised that I was still asleep the whole time! Talk about dreaming in your dream. Weird.


Gotta go to work! So I hurried.

Turned my IPod on, singing praise songs in my head. Sometimes I do get strong urge to sing out loud and lift my hands. Phew! Grateful I still get some form of restraint.

Nearing my drop-off point.

Saw the scorching heat even with my shades on. I simply said… “Lord, it's hot…” By the time I got off the jeep, the sky was already covered with clouds.

I smiled at the extreme sweetness of God.

I don’t want to be overly spiritual on stuffs, but as I walked, technically covered from the heat of the sun, I felt like God is telling me that…

under intense circumstances in life, He will cover me…

under extreme troubles trapping me in, He will protect me…

under impossibilities, he will wrap me with his love…

under all difficulties, he will hide me under his wings.

Ah, how sweet it is to be loved like that!

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